How going green can save money? Does sustainability have to be expensive?

Are you on a tight budget, but every eco swap seems expensive? Here are some of the ways to save money and be sustainable at the same time.

conscious consumption

One of the most important rules of living eco-friendly is making conscious choices, especially regarding consumption. Buying less & making mindful purchases can make a massive difference in your spending habits.

Eco-minimalism can be a great help when it comes to conscious consumption. 

Read this article on how to become an eco-minimalist to improve your life & the planet.

cost per use

”Quality over quantity” — famous saying in the sustainable spheres. This phrase promotes investing in higher quality items that can serve you longer instead of buying cheaper, bad quality options.

Even though the one-time investment is more noticeable, you should look at the cost per use of each purchase. This thinking reminds you that it is worth it and will save you money in the long run.

budget friendly diet

  • whole foods — when you make your food from scratch, you can buy them for less than processed ones
  • plant-based — meat alternatives can be pricy, but if you choose plain vegetables & fruits to cook from, you can easily save money
  • eat seasonally — foods that are local & in season are cheaper to purchase because the cost of production was
  • “the last call foods” — more often, you can see a sale shelf in grocery stores with products that have a short expiring date, you can buy them with a discount & save from the landfill

save money reusing

When switching to a zero-waste lifestyle, you acquire lots of swaps for single-use items. This allows you to stop buying those products because you already own a reusable alternative.

  • paper towels → napkins or cloth
  • tampons & pads → period cup & period pants
  • plastic bags → tote bag
  • bottled water → reusable bottle

Remember that you don’t have to buy dedicated expensive swaps. Most of the time, you can use what you already own.

DIY for cheaper

Switching to more natural products creates an opportunity to DIY some of your cosmetics & cleaning detergents. You can buy ingredients in bulk & use them to create different products. This can cut costs, not to mention that you’re not paying for the label.


The DIY part is also applicable to home decor & clothing. If you want a refreshment for your space or wardrobe, you can upcycle some of the stuff that you own & avoid new purchases.

lower prices of second-hand

Why buy new for the whole amount when you can support a circular economy & buy cheaper from second-hand? Not only are you prolonging the lifetime of a product, but you are also saving money.

save resources – save money

Using resources responsibly will help you to minimise the number on your bills. Save water and energy to save the planet and money. Simple acts, like shorter showers, unplugging your devices or turning down the heating a little, are easy to apply and make a big difference in the long run.

no-buy challenge

Make it fun & gamify your finances in an eco-friendly way by adopting a “no-buy” method. The no-buy challenge is about refusing consumeristic culture, you avoid purchases that aren’t necessary (for example fashion). This is a great challenge to help you save money & change your mindest considering shopping.

Few tips when approaching this challenge:

  • make a note of every purchase you want to make in the time of challenge – it will be your list of accomplishments, that will help you track how much money you save
  • make rules – you will need guidelines on what you can buy & what you can’t to avoid cheating, be specific but realistic
  • tell others – it will be easier to achieve this goal when you’ll have some accountability, plus it’s easier to refuse when the other person knows the reasons
  • create a time restriction – knowing that you need to do this for a specific amount of time will help you to stick to the challenge, remember that you will learn & adopt responsible habits along the way & you can always continue after the chosen date

Conscious consumption is the base of a sustainable lifestyle, so it should not be a surprise that there are many ways in which it is a great lifestyle to save money. Let it be a part of your life, create eco habits that will help you save money & if you need, make it fun with a no-buy challenge.

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