Creating a Plastic Free Home: Cultivating a Sustainable Living Space

Do you want to transform your house into a plastic-free home? In this blog post, we will explore practical tips and strategies to help you create a sustainable living space that aligns with your values.

3 Basic Rules

To embark on your journey towards a plastic-free home, consider these three essential rules:

  1. Refuse
    Say no to single-use plastics whenever possible. Choose products with minimal or no packaging. Be mindful of what you are bringing into your home.
  2. Reduce
    Minimize your overall plastic consumption by choosing durable, long-lasting alternatives. Opt for products made from sustainable materials like glass, metal, wood, and natural fibres.
  3. Recycle & Repurpose
    When it comes to unavoidable plastic waste, ensure proper recycling and explore creative ways to repurpose plastic items. Encourage the circular economy by supporting brands that use recycled plastic in their products.

Assessing Your Current Plastic Use

Let’s begin by conducting a plastic audit in your home. Take a moment to reflect on your daily routines and identify areas of high plastic consumption. This self-reflection will provide valuable insights into the changes you can make to reduce plastic waste.

Plastic Free Home Room by Room


The heart of any home is the kitchen, and it’s a great place to start your plastic-free journey.

  • Switch to reusable food storage containers
    Choose glass or stainless steel containers to store leftovers and bulk foods. Avoid single-use plastic bags and cling film.
  • Opt for plastic-free alternatives for food wraps and bags
    Beeswax wraps, silicone food covers and reusable cloth bags are excellent alternatives to plastic wrap and ziplock bags.
  • Make your water plastic-free
    Ditch disposable plastic water bottles and embrace tap water, if the water in your area is not drinkable invest in a water filter. Use reusable bottles to stay hydrated on the go.


The bathroom is another area where we can make significant changes.

  • Transition to solid toiletries
    Swap plastic-packaged shampoo, conditioner, and body wash with shampoo bars, soap bars, and solid skincare products.
  • Choose plastic-free dental care
    Bamboo toothbrushes, refillable floss, and toothpaste tablets or powders are eco-friendly alternatives to plastic-packaged dental products.
  • Avoid single-use plastic items
    Replace plastic cotton swabs with biodegradable alternatives and disposable razors with durable, reusable ones.


Create a restful and sustainable bedroom environment:

  • Choose sustainable bedding
    Opt for organic cotton or linen sheets and pillowcases to reduce your ecological footprint and make your nights sweat-free and more enjoyable.
  • Invest in natural fibre textiles
    Select curtains, rugs, and upholstery made from natural fibres like jute, hemp, or bamboo. They will make your interior look more luxurious and pleasant.
  • Avoid Synthetic Air Fresheners
    Rather than using synthetic air fresheners that often come in plastic containers, opt for natural alternatives. Use essential oils or make your own air fresheners using natural ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, and citrus peels.

Laundry Room & Wardrobe

Keep your laundry routine eco-friendly and plastic-free:

  • Switch to plastic-free laundry detergents
    Choose powdered or liquid detergents packaged in cardboard or metal containers. Alternatively, make your own using simple ingredients like soap nuts or castile soap.
  • Be mindful of your washing
    The less you wash them the better, for the planet and for the durability of your clothes. Wash your clothing in cold water and avoid electronic dryers. When using the dryer replace disposable dryer sheets with reusable wool dryer balls to reduce static and speed up drying time. If you are washing synthetic fibres, use filters in your washing machine or invest in a filtering bag.
  • Consider plastic-free clothing options
    Choose clothing made from natural fibres or recycled materials and support sustainable fashion brands. Look at the labels and avoid these materials: Polyester, Nylon, Acrylic, Spandex, and Rayon. 
Window with smudges of cleaning & sun coming inside

Plastic Free House Maintenance

Extend your plastic-free efforts to other areas of your home:

  • Plastic-Free Cleaning
    Explore eco-friendly cleaning alternatives such as homemade cleaners using natural ingredients, reusable cleaning tools like microfiber cloths and bamboo brushes, and refillable cleaning product options.
  • Plastic-Free Shopping
    Bring your own reusable bags and produce bags when grocery shopping. Opt for bulk shopping using refillable containers and support local plastic-free and zero-waste stores in your area.

Sustainable Home Decor

Your home decor can reflect your commitment to a plastic-free lifestyle. Opt for furniture made from sustainable materials such as wood or bamboo, adding a touch of natural elegance to your living space. Consider using natural fibre textiles like organic cotton or linen, which are not only sustainable but also bring a cosy charm to your home. Get creative with upcycling and repurposing items, giving them a new life and reducing waste.

If you are at the beginning of your plastic-free journey, you may find these 10 Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste in Your Daily Life helpful.

Creating a plastic-free home is an ongoing process that requires conscious choices and small steps towards sustainability. By reducing plastic waste in your daily life, you contribute to a healthier planet and inspire others to do the same.

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