If you want to make more conscious New Year changes & put high value into the beauty around you, here are twenty-four habits and actions that you can make in this new year to make your style and lifestyle more responsible.
Fashion Changes for 2024
1. Find your favourite fits
The first of New Year changes is to focus on what makes you feel good. Observe which of your clothes are used the most. Ask yourself: in which clothes am I feeling my best? How often do I wear this clothing piece? Do I prefer dresses, skirts or trousers? What cut of specific garment pieces do I opt for?
2. Wear clothes consciously
Declutter your closet. Make it responsibly and methodically.
You can put all your shirts in one pile, and as time goes on, put the ones you are using in the other pile. The same thing you can do with hangers – turn all the hangers the other way around, and when taking a clothing piece to wear, change the hanger the right way. The third way is to take daily photos of your outfits. This will give you a clear picture of what you are wearing. Try these practices for a few months and then declutter the stuff that was not used.
Remember to leave something for special occasions and to do it according to the seasons — do not declutter all your shorts after the winter or all the sweaters after the summer.
3. Find your colour palette
What colours suit you the most? Do you prefer to wear warm tones or cold tones? What is your favourite colour, and which colours you are never wearing? Think about it realistically. If you like pink but never wear pink clothes, do not buy them. You can implement pink accessories or use this colour in other life areas.
4. Take care of your clothes
Learn how to take care of your clothes. How to maintain your shoes, store your seasonal clothing, read the labels – what needs to be hand washed and what does not. Try drying clothes on a rack instead of an electric drying machine to prolong their life. Learn how to take care of each fabric type and which of these fabrics are natural and good for you & the environment.
5. Repair your clothing
If you have some clothing pieces that need repairing, do it. Start the habit of fixing your clothes as soon as they need it. Make repairing a priority before even thinking of buying new.
6. Renting or borrowing outfits
Instead of purchasing one-time outfits for occasional events, consider renting or borrowing them. There is no need to buy a whole outfit when you can easily borrow something from your friends, and if this is not an option, look for rental places.
Interior Design New Year Changes
7. Be conscious of your space
Define the function of your space, think of every item you are using, your favourite spots in the home, and small things that irritate you and try to declutter everything that does not serve you. By clearing out our spaces and trying to understand them more we can benefit from them. Ironically, owning less makes us more conscious of what we have and reduces our need to buy more.
8. Decluttering regularly
Regularly declutter living spaces to minimise unnecessary items. This habit helps maintain a clean, functional and more visually appealing interior. Every season, go through your home, make notes of what you are decluttering the most and treat it as a base to change your consumeristic behaviours.
9. Daily cleaning routine
The habit of small daily cleanups can make your life so much easier. If you spend 15 minutes each evening putting all the stuff in their places and doing a fast swap of your floors and counters, you will wake up to a nice clean space, and the weekly cleaning will be much easier to approach. You can have a beautifully designed space, but it will not feel good if it is not clean.
10. Adapt your interiors to seasons
By making small changes in your decor each season, you can maintain the excitement that home decor gives and enjoy the changing seasons more. This can be as easy as changing your wall art or switching pillowcases. You do not have to buy new decor pieces each season. You can keep a small box for seasonal decor and rotate them throughout the year. The fact that they are hidden for a few months allows you to get that fresh feeling with a touch of nostalgia as a bonus.
11. Decorate with nature
This year, try to incorporate more nature in your interiors. Find a beautiful fruit bowl and fill it up with seasonal fruits. Find indoor plants that suit your lifestyle that you can keep alive. Keep a vase for bouquets and fill them with wildflowers you can find on your walks. This is also a great way to keep your decor seasonal because you are following the seasons of nature.
12. Upcycle
Try out some DIY projects. Upcycling your decor for implementing something new to your space without buying. It is a conscious way to make your home decor eco-friendly.
Consumption Mindset Shifts
13. Dive into minimalism
In 2024, you can get closer to the concept of minimalism. Not only the aesthetics (but I highly recommend that I love the beauty of simplicity). But most importantly, the philosophy of ownership. Try to choose the things that are functional and useful for you. Declutter what does not serve you and resign from buying more than you need.
How to become an eco minimalist to improve your life & the planet?
14. Focus on quality
If you are planning some purchases this year, try to make them responsibly and opt for good quality that will serve you longer. Stop buying cheap things that need replacement after a few uses. Value your money and the work of people creating our products. Be conscious about the quality of your purchases.
15. Follow trends consciously
Switch your way of thinking about trends. Learn to choose only the ones that suit your style and how to personalise them.
How to Follow Trends Responsibly: Embrace Style with Consciousness
16. Observe your finances
Another of the New Year changes is to be more mindful about your spending. Make a budget, save up and get to know your financial habits. This will help you to feel more secure, you will be more capable of avoiding overconsumption, and you will get a sense of accomplishment when you master this habit.
17. Be conscious of marketing practices
Be mindfull of marketing taktics. Remember that most of the content on social media is advertisement. Educate yourself in the roam of marketing to know what strategies are used in stores and what psychology tricks are popular in ads. It will still be hard to avoid marketing influence, but you will have more knowledge and reflection on this topic, which will help you make conscious decisions.
18. Second-hand shopping
If you need to buy something, try looking second-hand first. I guarantee you there are so many things that you can thrift. Not only will it help you save money, but it is a more sustainable way of consumption, and as a default, this should be our first choice.
Lifestyle Changes for New Year
19. Seak beauty around you
This year, try to find beauty in small things. Consume art, go to galleries, read articles and listen to music that makes you feel good. There are so many inspiring things around us we need to be conscious, switch our focus and see them.
20. Be mindful
Try to be more present. Meditation or journaling is a good mindfulness practice, but you can also try to be more mindful in daily tasks like walks with dogs, cooking or drinking coffee.
21. Stay healthy
Make sure your physical site is not forgotten. Try to implement some activity each day. Work out and eat healthy to feel good in your body. If you can choose stairs over the lift, choose walking over the drive, or find small lifestyle swaps that will make you healthier.
22. Romanticise your daily life
Last year romanticising life was trendy, and I think it is a habit to take into 2024. Life is a compilation of days and daily tasks, so why not make them more enjoyable and aromatise them? Not everything can be romanticised, but a little mindset change will do us all good.
23. Stay creative
Work on your creativity. With seeking beauty comes tones of inspiration. Stop thinking that creativity is not for everyone. Find a fun medium to create in. Not every act of creativity has to be a masterpiece. Try to DIY, upcycle, paint, and draw. Just try to create.
24. Cultivate your hobbies
Another similar thing to do this year is to cultivate your hobbies. What do you do for fun? How do you like to spend your free time? Often, New Year’s resolutions are about career and growth, but maybe it can be about having fun and appreciating the small moments.
These 24 ideas for conscious habits and New Year changes should inspire you to live more responsibly and intoned with yourself.