How to Follow Trends Responsibly: Embrace Style with Consciousness — Fashion & Interiors

Is it possible to follow trends responsibly?

In a world of fast-paced trends and ever-changing styles, it’s essential to approach fashion and interior design with a conscious mindset. Following trends responsibly allows us to stay stylish while minimizing our environmental impact and promoting mindful consumption. In this article, you will find practical tips to embrace trends responsibly and align your choices with sustainability and conscious living.

Follow trends responsibly — the mechanics

In every trend list, you can find two types of trends: generic ones & one-timers.

Generic trends — these are things you probably have already, but fast-paste industries will add a little spin to them. (examples: stripes, denim, romantic dresses)

One-timers — things that are so outstanding they will be noticeable when they go out of style (probably next season). Many times this category contains items that are also really impractical. (examples: puffy sleeves, low-rise pants, and capes)

Use what you already own

Before rushing to buy the latest trend, take a moment to assess your existing wardrobe or home decor. Many trends can be adapted using items you already own. Mix, match, layer, and combine pieces creatively to give them a fresh look & follow trends responsibly.

Not every trend will suit your style, and that’s okay. Instead of feeling obligated to follow every trend, be selective and choose those that resonate with you and complement your existing wardrobe or interior.

Follow trends with your aesthetics

Instead of discarding outdated or worn-out items, explore ways to personalize and restyle them. Get creative with alterations, and experiment with DIY projects to breathe new life into your style, reducing the need for constant consumption.

Interpreting trends to suit your style is a form of art. Don’t feel compelled to follow every trend that emerges. Instead, focus on expressing your unique style and embracing pieces that genuinely resonate with you.

Trends come back over the decades, it’s a cycle that keeps on giving. Embrace the cyclical nature of fashion and interior design by exploring second-hand stores and markets to discover returning trends.

Watch a guide to shopping second-hand like a pro:

Renting & Borrowing

Consider renting clothes for special occasions or experimenting with new trends. Clothing rental services allow you to access a diverse range of styles without long-term commitment or excessive consumption. Alternatively, embrace the concept of borrowing from friends or participating in clothing swap events, expanding your wardrobe sustainably.

Think practically

When following trends, prioritize functionality alongside aesthetics. Invest in pieces that not only look beautiful but also serve a purpose in your daily life or living space. Versatile, multi-functional items can adapt to changing trends while remaining relevant.

Some trends never go out of style. Embrace classic pieces that withstand the test of time, creating a wardrobe and interior with a strong foundation of everlasting elegance.

Invest in essential pieces like a well-fitted blazer, a quality pair of jeans, or a versatile little black dress. These staples provide the foundation for a stylish and sustainable wardrobe, allowing you to mix and match with trendier accessories.

Overall, remember that trends aim to make a consumer buy more. Follow trends responsibly by making conscious choices that reflect our style and values. By using what we already own, adapting trends creatively, thrifting, renting, and prioritizing functionality, we can embrace style while being mindful of our impact on the planet.

sign "Maja"

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