Make this Black Friday sustainable. Every year people run to stores, buying newer, cheaper & in many cases unnecessary stuff. Tones of tempting deals influence the masses to overconsumption. How do you avoid this consumerist culture & still get that 70% discount on the things you need?
Here are simple tips for more mindful and environmentally friendly shopping on Black Friday & Cyber Monday.
Prepare a list
Create a list of things you need that are too expensive for you. Remember to choose the specific items and keep them in one place. Write down the previous price of the article to avoid any scams. This way, when it’s time for Black Friday sales, you’ll be prepared & you’ll know exactly what to buy and how much you’re saving.
Having a list of things you want to buy is a great practice to reduce your consumption, it gives you time to make sure if it’s something you truly need or if is it just influenced by advertisement & good marketing.
Choose businesses you want to support this Black Friday
Black Friday is the perfect time to buy from ethical companies. You may think it’s hypocrisy, but it’s an ideal occasion to support a business that otherwise would be too expensive for your wallet.
Do not buy things you don’t need because it’s a discount opportunity. Use the list you’ve created following the first rule & buy from those who share your values.
Avoid emotional spending
Be rational. You know what you need, let’s keep it like that.
Companies use multiple marketing strategies to manipulate you into buying more. Be aware of the manipulation. Often strategies:
- speaking to the emotional side of the buyer
- deals like 3 for 1 & gratis
- selling old stuff branded as new
- changing prices & creating fake deals
Remember that your every purchase has an impact on our planet. Don’t buy solely for buying.
Sustainable Black Friday without shopping
The best thing you can to don’t support overconsumption & save money is not to buy.
Remember to be prepared, be rational and stay with your values & find inspiration to live eco-friendly.
If you follow 3 rules, you’ll get through Black Friday & Cyber Monday without a significant footprint on the environment & your wallet.