Basis of Hosting Eco Gatherings and Events in Autumn: Creative Ideas

While autumn gatherings are known for their warm and cosy atmosphere, they can also be an opportunity to embrace eco-friendly practices and contribute to a sustainable future. Explore some thoughtful tips and ideas for hosting eco gatherings and events during the fall season.

Green Decorations

Autumn-themed decorations often include pumpkins, leaves, and other natural elements. So use the real ones as decor pieces instead of buying plastic lookalikes.

Embrace eco-friendliness by opting for reusable or upcycled decor. Decorate with cloth napkins, fabric table runners, and second-hand centrepieces.

Instead of disposable paper or plastic tableware, use reusable plates, utensils, and glassware. It is not only eco but also elegant.

If you enjoy crafting, consider DIY projects that repurpose materials or create decor items you can use year after year. This way, you can enjoy the beauty of fall without contributing to single-use waste.

Eco Gatherings Organisation

Sending out invitations, opt for digital versions to save on paper and transportation emissions.

Set up recycling and composting stations to divert waste from landfills.

Consider hosting outdoor events in the beautiful autumn weather to reduce energy consumption and use natural lighting. Give your guests blankets as the temperatures may drop in the evening.

Prepare food yourself or ask your guests to bring something of their own. You can also all cook together. By cooking from scratch, you reduce packaging waste and have more power over the ingredients used.

Cooking and serving

Autumn brings a bounty of delicious, seasonal ingredients that can take centre stage in your gatherings. Find recipes that feature locally harvested produce like apples, pumpkins, squash, and root vegetables. Consider incorporating plant-based options to accommodate diverse dietary preferences and reduce the environmental impact associated with meat production.

Hosting eco gatherings is about reducing waste without compromising your guests.

While cooking for larger groups of people, make sure nothing goes to waste. Be aware of portion sizing. If you have any leftovers, consider packing them up for your guests.

Sustainable Halloween

Halloween is synonymous with fun and creativity. However, it’s also associated with excessive plastic decorations and disposable costumes.

Host a sustainable Halloween by encouraging guests to create costumes using items they already have or thrift clothing. Choose eco-friendly or compostable decorations, such as paper lanterns and natural-fibre cobwebs, instead of plastic alternatives.

Offer organic, fair-trade, or locally sourced treats, and consider reducing packaging waste by providing bulk candies.

Zero waste Halloween. Eco-friendly party planning, costumes & decor.

Hosting Eco Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude, reflection, and indulgence. It is also focused on food.

To host a green Thanksgiving, consider planning your menu carefully to minimize leftovers. Try plant-based recipes for traditional dishes.

Redirect the focus from food to being grateful. This can be an opportunity to talk about our planet and what we can do to reduce our environmental impact. (Only if this does not impact your mental well-being)

By adopting sustainable practices and making conscious choices, you can create memorable moments with loved ones while reducing your environmental impact. This season, let’s celebrate the beauty of fall while nurturing the planet we call home.

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