10 sustainable new year resolutions. How to become more eco-friendly in 2023?

To change your lifestyle, you need to change your habits. These ideas for sustainable new year resolutions will inspire you to be better for the planet this upcoming year.

go plant-based

Reduce your meat intake. You can go vegetarian or vegan or replace some animal-based meals with plant-based ones. There are some initiatives like Veganuary or Meatless Monday that can be a motivation for you.

Remember to replace the nutrition that meat was providing. Do your research on what food you should eat & make your transition healthy.

Steps before switching to the vegan lifestyle. Good practices & mistakes to avoid.

quit fast fashion

Try quitting fast fashion. Why? 

Fast fashion isn’t eco-friendly or ethical. Overconsumption & planned obsolescence is at the core of fast fashion. You don’t want to buy cheap clothing that will go out of style in a few weeks or break after a few wears. It’s not an eco choice, especially if you want to have a sustainable new year.

Shop less & pay more attention to what you’re buying.

reduce your waste

Before going into the new year, think of the life areas where you create the most waste. How can you avoid them? Maybe it’s unnecessary shopping, food waste or too much plastic packaging. Analyze your habits & change them.

You can also try participating in Plastic Free July.

read the labels

Conscious consumption is a large part of an eco-friendly lifestyle. Learn how to read labels and what certificates mean. If the product contains microplastics, palm oil or other substances, that should have a place in your sustainable new year.

save resources

How to save energy?

  • change light bulbs to LED
  • unplug your devices when you’re not using them
  • check where your energy comes from & if you can switch it to renewable sources
  • when you’re not using a room, turn off the light

How to save water?

  • use dishwasher
  •  turn off the tab in between actions
  •  reduce lawn mowing
  •  opt for short showers (or take them with your partner😉)

spend time in nature

Reconnect with the planet, take walks, spend time outside & appreciate your surroundings. It will help you to stay motivated & it will increase your empathy towards nature.

How to be inspired to live an eco-lifestyle?

choose eco ways of transportation

Instead of driving choose public transport, go by bike or walk & if the car is the only option maybe you can share it with someone.

learn more

Knowledge is power.

You can’t change the world without good tools & knowledge. Choose books on environmentalism that you want to read this year & documentaries that you want to watch.


Recycling is basic. This year go one step further & start upcycling. There are many ways to give a new life to an item before throwing it out!

spread green vibes

Spread your knowledge, inspirations & progress to motivate others, do it on your social media, in conversations with friends or simply by giving a great example by doing & changing your lifestyle.

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